Least Favorite
Words that are wasted
Jokes gone too far.
Your breath on the windows
of someone else’s car.
Unforgiving nights
and slow-passing minutes.
The sound of your car
driving away when I’m not in it.
Memories that fade
leaves that won’t fall.
Wanting you
or nothing at all.
Half-ass smiles
and cigarette smoke.
Absence of sanity,
optimism, or hope.
Empty cabinets
and birds that don’t fly.
Walking away
without saying goodbye.
Lack of inspiration
or reason to write.
The inability to tell the stars
from the downtown lights.
Unanswered prayers
attached to balloons by their strings.
These are a few
of my least favorite things.
© Gina Clingan 2017
From my book, Redford, which can be purchased here.